Frames for different rooms
Here you will find inspiration for gallery walls in different types of rooms. Everything from kitchens and dining rooms to bedrooms and kids rooms. For each type of room, we have collected lots of inspirational images of what it could look like with a gallery wall and matching prints.

Picture frames in kitchens
If you are looking for inspiration for picture frames and gallery walls in your kitchen, you will find lots of example images of what it can look like in this article. We show how you can vary between prints in different themes and different types of frames, and how you can create a cozy room and interior where you can enjoy the food and dining.

Picture frames in living rooms
To help and inspire you to hang frames and gallery walls in the living room, we have collected lots of inspirational images and templates you can use. We show several different themes of prints and different types of frames to create a room that will be comfortable to stay in with friends and family.

Picture frames in bedrooms
Here you will find lots of inspiration for picture frames, prints and gallery walls for bedrooms. We know how difficult it can be to decide what you want on the walls and to create a comfortable room, which is why we wrote this article to help you along the way and inspire with lots of inspirational images and prepared templates.

Picture frames in kids rooms
When decorating a kids room, it can be nice to decorate with picture frames, prints and gallery walls to create a welcoming and calm feeling in the room. Here we have collected lots of inspirational images and templates to show different ways to hang the frames, but also examples of different themes of prints that work very well in kids rooms.

Picture frames in dining rooms
Here you will find lots of examples of picture frames and gallery walls for your dining room. We give examples of different themes of prints that work well at the dining table, with everything from pictures of food and drink to fashion and travel destinations. Feel free to use our templates and examples as inspiration when you hang picture frames on the walls in your own home.

Picture frames in offices
Now that home-office has become more common and more and more people spend time at home in their own office space, it is perhaps more relevant than ever to decorate this space at home properly so that it becomes a comfortable environment to stay in. To help you and inspire you to hang picture frames and gallery walls in this room we have collected lots of examples and templates.