Picture frames in living rooms
To help and inspire you to hang frames and gallery walls in the living room, we have collected lots of inspirational images and templates you can use. We show several different themes of prints and different types of frames to create a room that will be comfortable to stay in with friends and family.

Gallery wall with picture frames in silver in sizes 50x70 with prints "Fog over the sea" and "Beach from above"
In living rooms, you often have more space on the walls than you might have in traditionally smaller rooms. Therefore, the living room is ideal for hanging both a few picture frames or more advanced gallery walls. When we decorate our living rooms, we love prints with themes such as destinations and culture, nature, city life, art, architecture, botany and wildlife. Different themes can convey different messages, and for example nature-related pictures can create calm in the rooms and be associated with being outdoors and away from stressful environments. Destinations, culture and urbanization on the other hand can create other types of moods such as excitement, motivation and drive. Choose what you think fits you the most or why not mix between different themes?

Canvas paintings
You can use canvas paintings as an alternative to picture frames on the wall. In this article we talk more about canvas paintings and how to use them.

An introduction to Giclèe art prints and how they are made
Artist Heidi Rattenborg shares how the beautiful Giclèe art prints have moved into many homes, and how they are made.

Deco foil - Spruce up your paintings
Helena Henriksdotter shows how to use Deco Foil to make glittery and golden effects on paintings