Gallery wall above bed
We have collected some favorite pictures with inspiration and lots of tips for hanging a gallery wall above the bed and headboard. You can edit all sample images and move around the picture frames yourself using our picture frame tool.

Gallery wall with picture frames in black in sizes 40x50 and 50x70 with prints "Yellow taxis in town", "Palm" and "Man walking across the street"
Decorating at home is often very fun, but sometimes you come across more difficult steps. One of these more difficult steps can be to choose what to hang on the walls. There are many choices to be made - how many picture frames? Which frames? What prints? White margins? etc. That's why we created a series of articles to help you with all these decisions and inspire you on how to proceed. Here you will find lots of inspirational pictures and tips on different methods.
Start with the frame
As a first step, it is good to choose how many frames you want and in what pattern, and when you know that we recommend then looking at what type of frame you want. There are a few different methods and one method may be to choose a frame that has a discreet impression on the room and does not add more colors or additional materials. For example by choosing black or white wooden frames, as they are neutral in color and in the material. It can also be very nice to match the frame type with other furniture and decor, for example if you have a piece of furniture in a certain type of wood and match with the same type of wood in the frames on the wall. If you work according to a certain type of interior design style, there are often certain types of frames that fit well with that particular style. An example is a modern industrial interior design style which matches very nicely with black wooden frames, since the style itself consistently uses many straight black lines.
Selecting prints
A good next step is to then focus on the prints and which prints you want in your picture frames. To make it easier, you could have a consistent color theme or content theme in your prints, or go with both. You can create a color theme by choosing several prints that contain the same color, for example a turquoise color that reappears in all of the prints. If you match it with other decor and furniture in turquoise, such as pillows or a blanket, the color theme of the prints blends well with the rest of the room. You can also choose a complementary color, such as orange prints for an otherwise turquoise room. A content theme, on the other hand, can be that you choose pictures that are on the same theme and say the same thing. For example, by only having nature prints and perhaps images of different animals. To make sure that the theme does not become too much, you can also alternate with neutral pictures that are not as colorful, for example black and white prints.
Choosing white margin or passepartout
Finally you can decide if you want white margins around the pictures or maybe a passepartout. This is good for framing the pictures more and giving them more focus, and it creates a feeling that it is a work of art rather than a print. The difference between the two is that the white margin is printed on the picture and makes the picture smaller with white space all around, while a passepartout is a piece of cardboard you put on top afterwards to hide part of the picture.
Inspiration for gallery walls above the bed
There are many choices to be made regarding your gallery wall - with everything from what frames to use to what colors the prints should have. To make it a little easier and inspire you to what your gallery wall can look like, we have created lots of examples of gallery walls above a bed. Feel free to use these as a basis when you build your gallery wall, and if you find a picture you like but want to make changes to it, you can edit it with our free picture frame tool. As a last tip, remember that everything here is just recommendations and not rules, and if you make sure that you yourself are satisfied, the result is guaranteed to be good in the end.

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