Gallery wall with 1 picture frame
Here you will find inspiration for gallery walls with a single picture frame. We have collected lots of images and articles to inspire and make it easier to hang frames on your own wall. If you find a frame, print or gallery wall on the page that you like, you can edit it with our free tool together with an image of your own room to see what it really looks like at home.
Although a gallery wall may be associated with several picture frames in a combination, we here show some inspirational images of what it can look like with a single frame. You may have a special print that you want to display alone on your wall, then you will find inspiration here.
Type of frame
What type of frame that fits well with the room and other furniture can vary, and there are no right answers and many different frames can fit the same room. But some useful guidelines are to choose discrete frames, such as black or white, if you want a picture to really stand out when looking at the gallery wall. It can also be nice to match the frame type with the other interior and furniture, for example if you have a certain type of wood in the furniture, you can match with a similar wooden frame for the pictures on the wall. Some interior styles also contain recurring patterns, such as many straight black lines in modern industrial styles, and if you then choose black frames it can create a harmony together with the other furniture.
How to choose prints?
When it comes to choosing prints it can be a bit tricky, and you get a long way on your gut feeling and what you think is nice. But some simple methods for getting a harmonious and nice gallery wall is to not choose too many different colors and eclectic prints, but instead try to combine more eclectic prints with a bit more neutral prints that may have more white in the picture or are completely in black and white. One way to combine prints is to let the prints match a color that is visible in the interior. If you for instance have green pillows on the sofa, it can be very beautiful to have prints with green tones. Combine these with black and white prints and the green color will create a harmonious expression in the room. Another suggestion is to find a complementary color to the interior, for example an orange color to an otherwise green room, and have prints in those colors. If you do not want prints that match each other in colors, you can also try to have a theme among prints, for example only nature or city pictures, or why not nature pictures and city pictures together to emphasize the difference between urbanization and nature.
White margin and passepartout
In addition to choosing frames and prints and how to combine them with the rest of the room, you can also choose to put white margins in the prints, or why not a passepartout? The difference is that a white margin makes the picture smaller and the print is printed with the margin, while a passepartout is a piece of cardboard that is placed on top to give the print more focus. It can be very nice and create more harmony with more white in a painting so that the picture is not too eclectic, especially when you have to combine frames with each other and build gallery walls.
Inspiration images
In summary, it can be difficult and time consuming to select frames and prints and get a good result. That's why we created the picture frame tool that you will find on this website to help you test different variants of gallery walls. Remember that it does not have to be perfect, but perhaps the most important thing is that you yourself are happy with the result. Below you will find lots of examples of hanging 1 frame at home. If you find something you like, you can edit it in our tool and test it together with an image of your own room.

Learn how to paint with spray cans
Robert Landström shares how to create your own spray paint artworks

Hanging art on the walls
Professional painter and artist Annnette Landin shares her best tips on how to hang art on the walls at home

Picture frames in custom sizes
Many picture frame stores offer the opportunity to buy picture frames in your own size. To make it easier to plan your wall we also offer that in our picture frame tool