Prints in different colors
Templates and lots of inspirational pictures of prints in different colors. Use our free picture frame tool to edit the examples and test what they look like on the wall at home. We have categorized prints by colors in red, green, blue, etc.

Green prints
If you need inspiration on different green prints to use in your interior design at home, you have found the right article. We have collected lots of examples of prints and entire gallery walls with just green prints, and you can edit them directly with our picture frame tool which is completely free to use.

Red prints
Red prints and inspiration on how to use them in your interior can be found on this page. All examples and templates here use red prints, and together with our free picture frame tool you can start editing and testing them on a wall at home to see what it looks like with the other interior.

Blue prints
Here we have listed lots of examples of blue prints and gallery walls with blue prints to show and inspire how you can use it at home. Blue prints are very common and fit most rooms, and if you want to test what it looks like at home, you can use our completely free picture frame tool and place gallery walls with blue prints.

Yellow prints
Yellow prints and lots of inspiring pictures of how they can be used can be found here on this page. We have created lots of examples of how you can use yellow prints in gallery walls and how it fits with the other interior, and you can edit all these examples and templates with our free picture frame tool.

Orange prints
Here you will find orange prints and templates for different gallery walls with only orange prints in different sizes and frames. Everything on the page is interactive and can be edited with our free picture frame tool together with an existing room image or an image of your own room at home.

Turquoise prints
To inspire how you can use turquoise prints at home we have collected lots of examples and templates. If you find a turquoise print or a gallery wall with turquoise pictures that you like, you can edit it completely free of charge with our picture frame tool and change the template or place it on an image of your own room.

Pink prints
Here you will find lots of pink prints and inspiring examples and templates on how you can use them in picture frames on the wall at home. You can edit all examples with our free picture frame tool, and if you upload a picture of your own room in the tool you can test pink prints on your own wall together with your own furniture.