Turquoise prints
To inspire how you can use turquoise prints at home we have collected lots of examples and templates. If you find a turquoise print or a gallery wall with turquoise pictures that you like, you can edit it completely free of charge with our picture frame tool and change the template or place it on an image of your own room.
Gallery wall with picture frames in light wood in sizes 30x40 with prints "Black beach" and "Blue car and pink"
Turquoise prints
Inspiration for turquoise prints
67 free templates for gallery walls
We have created 67 free to use templates for gallery walls. All of the templates are editable with our free picture frame tool.
Annette Landin - From low grade in arts to displaying art before jurys on art exhibitions
Annette Landin shares her journey from the school bench to becoming a professional artist
Deco foil - Spruce up your paintings
Helena Henriksdotter shows how to use Deco Foil to make glittery and golden effects on paintings